Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sorry this is the best picture I can get on here, but's it saying that its a boy!! Tanner has a little brother on the way. My due date is Dec 26th, right around Christmas. I told my doctor that we were inducing a week early if he has not decided to come just to try and avoid his birthday landing on Christmas. Its for his sake I don't want the kid to have to share his birthday I want it to be his own special day. Another good thing is we are making it right before the new year so there is another tax write off!! Anyway, we are very excited!! We don't have any names picked out yet (we don't agree very much), but we will find his name soon enough I am sure. I am still the sick pregnany woman I was with Tanner, but I think I am getting close to the end of it. It has lasted about the same length of time as it did with Tanner (6 months). Everything is going good though, the sickness only means that. Tanner does not completely understand about the baby, but he does point at the ultrasound pictures and says brother, its really cute.


Huber Family said...

Congratulations Kat! Good luck!

Monsen3 said...

Gosh it seems everyone is having a baby. But not me. Good luck and keep us updated.